L. Michelle Codington, MS, LMFT

Executive Director/Co-Founder

Michelle is a dynamic clinician with 20 years of experience in counseling, mediation, leadership and consulting. She is a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist in NJ. Her diverse roles have included: therapy with families, children and couples; international adoption consulting; mediating for family court; and consulting/training for various businesses and non-profit organizations. Prior to founding the Thrive Program, Michelle was the Clinical Director of a statewide Intensive In-Community agency serving at-risk children and teens. During her tenure as Clinical Director, Ms. Codington supervised and mentored students from both bachelors and masters level programs while serving as a guest lecturer at local universities. Additionally, she consulted with and supported 15 local Head Start programs serving children ages 2-4.

Michelle’s areas of specialty include: play therapy (with children, teens & families), trauma-informed care, behavioral issues with children/teens, brain development & behavior, parenting and sexuality. Her experience in mental health includes various settings including inpatient, intensive group homes for victims of human trafficking, family court mediation, intensive in-home counseling, outpatient and private practice.

She has presented at both state and national conferences:

In 2013, she presented on working with children of mentally ill parents at the 26th Annual Children’s Mental Health Research & Policy Conference (sponsored by Children’s Mental Health Network & University of South Florida – Dept. of Child & Family Studies). In 2014, she presented on Trauma, Attachment & the Brain at the New Jersey Children’s System of Care Conference (sponsored by Rutgers University and New Jersey Department of Children & Families). She was recently invited back to present at the 28th Annual Children’s Mental Health Research & Policy Conference in March, 2015. To see a list of experts by whom Michelle has been trained, click here.