Southern New Jersey Mental Health Resources

For a life-threatening emergency, always dial 911.

An emergency is considered to be any serious and sudden medical, emotional, or behavioral health situation that, if not given immediate professional attention, could lead to a person being severely harmed or possibly harming someone else.


New Jersey Children’s System of Care

  • PerformCare (Contracted System Administrator for NJ CSOC)

    PerformCare is New Jersey’s single point of access for an array of behavioral health services for youth with emotional and behavioral challenges, developmental disabilities, and/or substance use challenges. Services include Mobile Response and Stabilization Services, Care Management Organizations, and Family Support Organizations.

    To access services, call PerformCare (877) 652-7624 (24 Hours a Day/7 Days a Week) 

Mobile Response and Stabilization Services (MRSS)

Immediate, in-home stabilization services are available 24/7 for youth up to age 21.

Care Management Organizations

NJ Designated Psychiatric Screening Services 

(24/7 services for psychiatric emergencies, crisis intervention services, information and referral) 

Inpatient Hospitalization Programs

Partial Hospitalization (PHP) and Intensive Outpatient Programs (IOP)

 Support Organizations 

NAMI  New Jersey (National Alliance on Mental Illness)

Call the NAMI Helpline at 800-950-NAMI  or in a crisis,  text “NAMI” to 741741

Local Chapters

For all other resources, please visit or contact NJ211 directly by dialing 2-1-1; texting your zip code to 898-211; or chatting with them online.   The NJ211 statewide service is free, confidential, multilingual and always open.